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Feature Films 節目單         

片  長:107分  分級:G

導  演: 張榮吉

演  員:張榕容 裕翔李烈許芳宜

得        獎: 台北電影節觀眾票選大獎,釜山影展觀眾票選獎




Based on true events related to the life of Taiwanese piano prodigy Huang Yu-Siang (Siang played by himself), this is a story of inspiration, discovery and love. . Touch of the Light - a story


片  長:99分  分級:G

導  演:鄭有傑·舒米

演  員:阿洛·卡力亭·巴奇徐詣帆、許金財、吳燕姿、林嘉均

得        獎: CMS印度兒童國際影展最佳劇情長片首獎 ,第17屆台北電影節觀眾票選獎


They were losing their land and their culture, so she decided to return home to bring back the abandon terrace. In this process, she found it's not only about the land, but also about who she really is.



片  長:107分  分級:M

導  演:張作驥

演  員:紀培慧,高捷,范植偉,張捷,陳佩君


A father can have many different kinds of faces. Which one does your father have? This is a film of ten short stories, and each shows a different relationship between a father and his son. Each story reveals the complexity between fathers and sons.


放映時間:31/08/2018  20:30-22:30


開幕儀式19:15起    票價:$15

放映時間:01/09/2018  10:30-12:20 票價:$15

放映時間:01/09/2018  13:00-15:00 票價:$15

片  長:90分   分級:PG

導  演:邱晧洲

演  員:亞里 / 藍葦華 / 方少韋 / 陳若萍 / 林浿安 / 謝其文 / 孔龍 / 黃振蔚



"No English Sub-title"


片長:147分   分級:M
導演: 李崗, 蕭力修
Adapted from the true story of Li Zhengliang (instructor of the National Defense University [1]) of the Republic of China Air Force Lieutenant Colonel, the story is interspersed with the work of the French writer Anthony de Saint-Ai Siber, the little prince, who is supervised by Li Gang.

放映時間:02/09/2018  10:30-12:10 票價:$15

放映時間:02/09/2018  13:00 - 15:30 票價:$15


1.  021-278-7088 

2.  021-835-722

3. 華夏協會  193 Great South Road, Otahuhu, Auckland   09 276 4180

取票地點(8月14日起) :



生活達人 15 Kent Street, Newmarket, Auckland    09 281 4168                         


T-Mark  U3, 20 Link Drive, Wairau Park, Glenfield, Auckland   09 442 1158


T-Mark   U9-10, 29 Aviemore Dr,  Highland Park, Auckland  09 537 0158


華夏協會  193 Great South Road, Otahuhu, Auckland   09 276 4180

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